Audiogenic seizures in Wistar rats before and after repeated auditory stimuli: clinical, pharmacological, and electroencephalographic studies

Summary A strain of Wistar rats was inbred for susceptibility to audiogenic seizures characterized by one or two wild running fits followed by tonic dorsiflexion with open mouth and then a catatonic state. During the tonic phase, the cortical EEG was flat for 1 to 2 sec, then changed to a slow, regular lowamplitude discharge, 9 to 12c/s, for 25 to 60 sec. In these rats exposed to 40 daily 90-sec auditory stimuli, behavior and EEG changed. The wild running became disorganized by myoclonic jerks of the limbs and body. In some animals, the tonic extension disappeared and a myoclonic seizure developed progressively, with facial and forelimb clonus, and rearing and falling. In others, the tonic phase was followed by a generalized clonic phase. The EEG during the myoclonic and tonic-clonic seizures showed high-amplitude rhythmic spikes, polyspikes and spike-waves, 1 to 10 c/s, for 40 to 120 sec, often outlasting the sound stimulus. The effects of ethosuximide, carbamazepine and phenytoin were the same on primary and modified audiogenic seizures. The progressive behavioral and EEG modifications of audiogenic seizures following repeated auditory stimuli suggest that kindling had developed, the seizures being propagated from the brain stem to forebrain structures.