Since the thrush organism is found in the mouths of a large proportion of normal persons (Merke,1 35 per cent, Brünstein,2 40 per cent), and gastric conditions are particularly favorable for the growth of the various molds (Askanazy3), it is not surprising to learn that the normal stomach quite frequently harbors fungi. Although Kirch and Stahnke4 were unable to demonstrate the presence of molds in the aspirated contents of the stomach in any of thirty cases, the positive observations obtained by others (Moppert and Kagen,5 Cafasso6 and Hartwich7) are sufficiently conclusive to indicate that the occurrence of fungi in the intact stomach, if not universal, is at least widespread. The observation of molds in twenty of thirty-two normal stomachs viewed by Crasset8 at postmortem examinations in cases in which contamination from the pharynx and esophagus was eliminated lends further support to this view. On the basis of available evidence, it