Nucleon structure functions from measurements of inelastic neutrino and antineutrino interactions

This paper presents the final results on charged-current neutrino and antineutrino interactions with nuclei from experiment E-310 at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The data sample, consisting of 21 578 neutrino-induced and 7358 antineutrino-induced events within the fiducial region in the energy range 20<E<325 GeV, is exhibited first to demonstrate the basic properties and kinematic regions represented. The dependence of the nucleon structure functions on the dimensionless variable x and on neutrino energy is then described. Lastly, the variations of the structure functions with x and Q2 are presented. The emphasis throughout has been to understand the effects on the final results of uncertainties in the systematic corrections required by the data. Comparisons with the results of other neutrino experiments are made.