Über den Einfluß von Zuckerzusätzen auf die Atmungsgeschwindigkeit von Hefesuspensionen

The rate of respiration of a baker''s top yeast was measured electrochemically after the addition of different kinds of sugars. In so doing, the major part of the nutrients present in the yeast in its preparation first must be removed by consumption in respiration up to a residual respiration amounting to about 1/10 of normal respiration. The addition of equal amounts of different kinds of sugars accelerates the rate of respiration to a very different degree. Also, the total amount of respired sugar until the slight residual respiration is reached shows very great differences with the different kinds of sugars. With saccharose, maltose, and raffinose a starting time of between 4 and 11 min. was found after their addition until an increased respiration was obtained, caused by the varying length of time of fermentative decomposition of the monosaccharides.