Pseudovector components of the pion,π0γγ,andFπ(q2)

As a consequence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking the pion Bethe-Salpeter amplitude necessarily contains terms proportional to γ5γP and γ5γk, where k is the relative and P the total momentum of the constituents. These terms are essential for the preservation of low-energy theorems, such as the Gell-Mann–Oakes-Renner relation and those describing anomalous decays of the pion, and to obtaining an electromagnetic pion form factor that falls as 1/q2 for large q2, up to calculable lnq2 corrections. In a simple model, which correlates low- and high-energy pion observables, we find q2Fπ(q2)0.120.19GeV2 for q210GeV2.