Epinephrine, Propranolol, and the Sucrose-Ammonium Inhibition of Flowering in Lemna paucicostata 6746

The sucrose-ammonium inhibition of flowering Lemna paucicostata 6746 in continuous blue light or in short days was partially overcome by epinephrine. This reversal was prevented by propranolol, an antagonist of epinephrine in animals. In ammonium-free medium, propranolol inhibited flowering, and this inhibition was completely overcome by epinephrine. Increased levels of Ca2+, Pi and nitrate partially reversed the inhibition by propranolol. Concentrations of cAMP, adenine, and adenosine that partially overcame the sucrose-ammonium inhibition did not affect flowering in cultures treated with propranolol. The possibility is discussed that the effects on flowering of sucrose-ammonium, propranolol, and epinephrine were due to altered intracellular levels of cAMP or of a cAMP-like compound.