Indirect Lymphoscintigraphy in Patients with Limb Oedema

One thousand four hundred and fifty-five lymphoscintigraphies using a radio-labelled colloid were performed as an objective test for the diagnosis and the survey of lower limb oedemas. It is a non-invasive method involving only a subdermic bipedal injection into the first web space of each foot. Our results demonstrate that in chronic swollen legs due to venous causes occuring from post-thrombotic syndrome or varicose disease the lymphatic system can be insufficient (14.9% and 19.8% of these cases). Abnormal results are found in 91.3% of clinically primary lymphoedemas. In unilateral primary lymphoedemas the clinically healthy controlateral limb can be insufficient (25%). In post-traumatic lower limb oedemas the lymphatic flow remains normal while perilymphatic extravasation and dermal filling are always to be found at the trauma site. The lymphoscintigraphy is a simple, physiological and reliable test. The morphological findings based upon 1455 examinations allow us to think that this method may resolve the clinical problems without recourse to more invasive procedures. We can expect that in a few years this morphological study will be completed with a functional lymphatic test.

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