The determination of blood-sugar

The amount of reduction of the Shaffer-Hartmann alkaline Cu reagent by pure glucose is greater when carried out in an atmosphere of N than when carried out in air. When the K salts are not added until after the reduction, the results are the same in an atmosphere of N or air and the results are the same as when the reduction of the whole reagent containing the K salts is carried out in an atmosphere of N. The amount of reduction by glucose of alkaline CuSO4 solutions containing tartaric acid and Na2CO3 depends on the relative concentrations of the two latter substances. Bicarbonate was substituted for tartrate in alkaline Cu solutions. Uric acid, creatinine and urea in concentrations found in pathological cases do not affect the determination of blood-sugar. The composition of a modified alkaline Cu reagent is given and a new technique described.