A multiperipheral cluster model of high-energy inelastic collisions is discussed. A physical justification for the model is given, in that it accounts for "Ericson fluctuations" in the inelastic cross sections. These incoherent resonance contributions are ignored in most multi-Regge models. The major assumption is made that the ratio of the average fluctuation cross sections between different channels is governed by phase space. This allows a description of the cluster decay processes via the statistical bootstrap theory of Hagedorn and Frautschi. A simplified mathematical formulation of the model is studied, and it is shown that, subject to certain resistrictions on the vertex functions for cluster production, Feynman scaling occurs. The relationship with other models of inelastic processes is discussed. It is shown that the model includes both the ordinary multi-Regge model and the diffractive excitation models of Hwa and of Jacob and Slansky, as limiting cases, and that the approach is equivalent to, but is a refinement on, Hagedorn's thermodynamic model. A search for a power-behaved "tail" in the multiplicity distributions at high energies would provide an important test of the model.