A Reinvestigation of the Wave-lengths and Relative Intensities in the Molybdenum K series X-ray Spectrum

The x-ray beam from a water-cooled target of a tube carrying 25 m-amp. from a 50 kv storage battery, was limited to 2 minutes and reflected from a calcite crystal of a spectrometer with a Genevoise scale reading to 2 seconds, into an ionisation chamber. The 3rd to 5th orders were used. The angle of reflection for each wave-length was determined by readings on both sides of the direct beam. Corrections were applied for the temperature of the crystal above 18°, for the eccentricity of the scale and for refraction. The wavelengths are found to be (taking d=3.028A): α2=.711835, α1=.707525, β3=.631354, β1=.630791, γ=.619526. From 3 to 5 determinations were made for each line, the average deviation from the mean being.000025. The mean deviation from the last results of A. Leide is.00003 except for β1 for which his value seems too high. The separation β3β1 is.000563 in good agreement with the separation Lβ3Lβ4 determined by Coster. The wave-lengths taking d=3.02904A and the vR and vR values for the K lines and for the corresponding energy levels in the Mo spectrum are also given. The K absorption limit was found at.61830A. Relative intensities. Assuming each component of the β doublet to be a single line of the same width, the relative intensities come out Kβ1β3=2.0, in agreement with the theoretical predictions of Sommerfeld and of Coster and Goudsmit. In the case of the β and γ doublets the total intensity of each doublet was taken proportional to the area under it, correcting for the K absorption in the case of the γ peak. The relative intensities then come out Kβγ=7.7, which is greater than the corresponding ratio for tungsten, indicating a decrease with increasing atomic number.