Use of the Multiple Cavity Laser Holographic System for EBW Analysis

A four-pulse multiple cavity laser" (MCL) system was developed for use in recording time sequential holograms of fast events. It was used to record four double exposed holograms of an exploding bridge wire (EBW) on a single 10E75 plate with between 2 and 5 i s framing time. The holograms were written and processed to an optical density of 2.0. The complex change in index of refraction of the plasma created is visible in the fringe structure of the reconstructed image. The shock front was measured to propagate at an average speed of between 0.13 and 0.14 cm/us. Main advantages of the MCL holographic system are: (1) loy cost, (2) greater energy/time interval, and (3) electronic c, ,ntrol of the time interval between frames.