Pretoria Calibration Curve for Short-Lived Samples, 1930–3350 BC

The high-precision radiocarbon calibration curve for short-lived samples (1–4 yr) of the early historical period (3rd millennium BC) presented previously (Vogel et al. 1986) has been further substantiated and extended to link with a similar curve produced by de Jong for part of the 4th millennium BC (de Jong & Mook 1980). The precise dendrochronological age of the sample set measured by de Jong has finally been fixed (de Jong, Mook & Becker 1989), so that the two sets now cover the period 1930–3900 BC, i.e., the Early Bronze Age and Late Chalcolithic periods of the Middle East. The standard calibration curve for the two sets is presented by Vogel and van der Plicht (1993).