Transfer reactions with heavy ions on light nuclei

Proton and neutron transfer reactions resulting from the bombardment of C12 and O16 targets by N14 beams and C12, N14, and O16 targets by B10 beams have been studied with counter telescopes and particle identification techniques. The incident energies were far above the Coulomb barrier for these systems: 155 MeV for N14 ions and 100 MeV for B10 ions. Angular distributions have been measured for transitions to the ground states and several excited states in the residual nuclei produced. Ejectile excitations were also observed in some instances. Exact finite range distorted-wave-Born-approximation calculations have been performed for these states which are mostly in the 1p and 2s1d shells. The extracted spectroscopic factors are generally in good agreement with theoretical predictions and other previously obtained results. However, there are some conspicuous but isolated instances where they are not, pointing towards a need for more sophisticated approaches including core excitations for those cases. Generally the quality of spectroscopic studies with heavy-ion-induced transfer reactions is comparable if not superior to that from the corresponding light-ion-induced reactions.