Spatial distribution of Antennapedia transcripts during Drosophila development.

We have localized transcripts specified by the homeotic Antennapedia (Antp) locus within serial tissue sections of Drosophila embryos and larvae by in situ hybridization. As a hybridization probe we used a 2.2‐kb cDNA sequence (903) which is complementary to at least four non‐contiguous chromosomal DNA regions within a span of 100 kb derived from the Antp+ locus. The tritiated probe was directly hybridized to frozen tissue sections of wild‐type embryos and larvae. Hybridization was first detected to the progenitors of the thoracic segments during the cellularization of the syncytial blastoderm, when embryonic cells first become determined to form particular adult segments. At later embryonic stages the ventral nervous system also becomes labeled in a spatially‐restricted manner. Initially, accumulation of transcripts is detected in all thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the ventral cord. Subsequently, the highest concentration of transcripts is detected in the ganglion cells of the mesothorax. Proper development of this segment is known to be affected in individuals homozygous for putative Antp null alleles. In third‐instar larvae, hybridization to the different imaginal disks of all three thoracic segments is observed, localized mainly to those regions that will form proximal, cuticular portions of the respective segments. These results are discussed with respect to the role of homeotic genes in the specification of particular anatomical segments.