'Educated' dendritic cells act as messengers from memory to naive T helper cells

Ingested antigens lead to the generation of effector T cells that secrete interleukin 4 (IL-4) rather than interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and are capable of influencing naive T cells in their immediate environment to do the same. Using chimeric mice generated by aggregation of two genotypically different embryos, we found that the conversion of a naive T cell occurs only if it can interact with the same antigen-presenting cell, although not necessarily the same antigen, as the effector T cell. Using a two-step culture system in vitro, we found that antigen-presenting dendritic cells can act as 'temporal bridges' to relay information from orally immunized memory CD4 T cells to naive CD4 T cells. The orally immunized T cells use IL-4 and IL-10 (but not CD40 ligand) to 'educate' dendritic cells, which in turn induce naive T cells to produce the same cytokines as those produced by the orally immunized memory T cells.