For CdxFe3xO4 and ZnxFe3xO4, the conduction-electron concentration has been varied over a wide range without the introduction of B-site impurities or defects. Analysis of the Fe57 Mössbauer-effect data in terms of the local configurations of Zn2+ or Cd2+ about a B-site Fe has permitted the influence of the conduction electrons on the electrostatic and magnetic hyperfine interactions to be monitored. For x0.3, the area ratio of the A- and B-site patterns indicates that all B-site ions have nearly identical interactions with the conduction electrons. The isomer shift and magnetic hyperfine field for the local configuration corresponding to Fe3 O4 tend toward more ferriclike values in a regular fashion as the conduction-electron concentration decreases. Shielding effects at the B-site Fe3+ cores by the conduction electrons are manifested in the form of increasing charge and spin transfer from the neighboring ligands with decreasing conduction-electron concentration. Quadrupole splittings are found to be nearly independent of variation in the conduction electron concentration. All of these results, either individually or collectively, require a collective electron description of the conduction mechanism in Fe3 O4 and no tendency toward localized states at low dopant levels is observed if no defects or impurities are on the B sites.

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