A dual, digital, indo-1 fluorescence imaging system was used to obtain high-speed ratiometric images of [Ca2+]i waves in single voltage-clamped mammalian cardiac cells. The spatiotemporal origin of [Ca2+]i waves in depolarized cells was detected as the spontaneous appearance, over 100-300 ms, of domelike regions of elevated [Ca2+]i, approximately 20 μm in diameter and 300 nM at the center. Images of [Ca2+]i taken at 67-ms intervals during propagation of [Ca2+]i waves revealed that the [Ca2+]i wave front was 1) constant in shape, 2) spatially steep, typically rising from 500 to 1200 nM in about 10 μm, and 3) propagating at constant velocity, typically 100 μm/s at 22°C. The observed spatial and temporal patterns of origin and propagation of [Ca2+]i waves are consistent with the hypothesis that [Ca2+]i waves arise from propagating Ca2+-induced release of Ca2+ mediated by diffusion of cytosolic Ca2+. The [Ca2+]i waves are smaller in peak magnitude and can occupy a larger fraction of the cell than thought previously on the basis of indirect observations.— Takamatsu, T.; Wier, W. G. Calcium waves in mammalian heart: quantification of origin, magnitude, waveform, and velocity. FASEB J. 4: 1519-1525; 1990.