Auditory brainstern evoked potentials during sleep apnea

Auditory brainstem evoked potentials (ABEPs) were recorded from seven subjects with predominantly central sleep apnea. ABEPs were recorded during: (1) waking, (2) non-REM sleep between apneic episodes, (3) first half of apneas, and (4) second half of apneas. Latencies of vertex positive peaks III, V, and VI as well as the V-III interpeak latency difference were determined, and the effect of apnea phase on these measures were evaluated. The measures studied did not reveal chronic or acute functional abnormality of auditory brainstem, which may result from or cause apneic episodes during non-REM sleep. The normality and stability of ABEPs during apneic sleep indicate effective compensatory mechanisms in auditory brainstem. Brainstem functional changes associated with central apneas may not be reflected in the ABEP measures studied, unless they are part of a more extensive dysfunction.