Although an effective poison syrup formula for control of Argentine ant (Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr.) in California has been known for some years, the individual citrus grower has been able to make no headway toward eradication or even adequate control for any considerable length of time because of renewed infestations from untreated properties. Through a cooperative financing plan, citrus growers in Los Angeles County have made it possible for the Los Angeles County Horticultural Commissioner's office to treat all infested orchards in 45,000 acres of citrus area, poison being put out in the spring and fall of each year. A new cheap paper poison container has been developed and application costs reduced to between two and two and a half cents per container. Detailed cost figures are given for all operations. A check on the results of two years' work in 14,200 acres of orchard showed a reduction of 50% in the number of infested properties, and a decrease of 83% in the number of poison containers needed to take care of the remaining infestations.