Effects of the unique shape of submicron magnetite hollow spheres on magnetic properties and domain states

Submicron-scale magnetite (Fe3O4) hollow spheres were prepared by a template method using polystyrene beads. The obtained particles were very uniform in size with a diameter of 650±20nm and a shell thickness of 40nm. The temperature dependence of the zero-field cooled magnetizations indicated a broad anomaly at around 110K that was ascribable to the Verwey transition, while the magnetite nanoparticles (25nm), obtained by grinding the hollow spheres, exhibited no anomalies in this temperature range. Particularly below the Verwey transition temperature, the coercive fields of the hollow spheres increased much more significantly than did those of nanoscale and bulk magnetite. The Day plots [Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 13, 260 (1977)] for the submicron hollow spheres indicated that their domain states were similar to the single-domain state at low temperature.