Prenatal development of neurons in the human prefrontal cortex. II. A quantitative Golgi study

The quantitative development of neurons in the human dorsolateral and lateral prefrontal cortex was studied in Golgi-impregnated tissue from postmortem brains ranging from 13.5 weeks of gestation up to the second postnatal month. Pyramidal neurons in the future layers III and V of the cortical plate, as well as different types of neurons in the transient subplate zone, were studied. The basal dendrites of the future layer III and V pyramidal neurons show a slow increase during the first two-thirds of the period of gestation. From 27–32 weeks of gestation on, there is a rapid increase in the length of basal dendrites of layer III and V pyramidal neurons, while the number of basal dendrites per pyramidal neuron appears to stabilize at 26/27 weeks of gestation. The increase in total length of basal dendrites per pyramidal neuron is mainly due to an increase in the number of bifurcations and the growth of terminal segments. Throughout the whole period studied, the size of the layer III pyramidal basal dendritic tree was smaller than that of layer V pyramidal neurons. Thus, not until postnatal life do the layer III pyramidal basal dendrites become larger than those of layer V. No statistically significant differences were found for data of the pyramidal neurons between the superior and middle frontal gyri. The dendritic size of subplate neurons, except for the subplate inverted pyramidal neurons, significantly exceeds the size of the basal dendrites of the pyramidal neurons up to the seventh gestational month, which indicates an earlier maturation of these subplate neurons. During the period examined, no clear decrease in the size of the subplate neurons was observed. The present study shows that the dendritic parameters of either subplate or cortical plate pyramidal neurons rapidly increase during the periods of ingrowth of afferent fibers into the subplate zone and cortical plate, respectively. In the Golgi preparations of the prefrontal cortex, the size of the subplate neurons does not show any clearly regressive changes at the end of the prenatal period.