Matrix Elements of a Fermion System in a Representation of Correlated Basis Functions

The ground state and low excited states of liquid He3 (and other fermion systems) can be constructed from a set of basis functions Ψ(|n)=ψ0BΦ(|n) in which ψ0B is the ground-state boson-type solution of the Schrödinger equation and the model functions Φ(|n) are Slater determinants suitable for describing states of the noninteracting Fermion system. Diagonal and nondiagonal matrix elements of the identity and the Hamiltonian operator are evaluated by a cluster-expansion technique. An orthonormal basis system is constructed from Ψ(|n) and used to express the Hamiltonian operator in quasiparticle form: a large diagonal component containing constant, linear, quadratic, and cubic terms in free-quasiparticle occupation-number operators and a nondiagonal component representing the residual interactions involved in collisions of two and three free quasiparticles.