Approach to Equilibrium in Quantal Systems: Magnetic Resonance

The present paper presents a derivation of the "master" or Boltzmann "gain-loss" equation from the Schrödinger equation, i.e., a derivation of the equation for the evolution in time of the probabilities of finding a physical system in its various states from the equation for the corresponding probability amplitudes. The "master" equation is derived for an, in effect completely self-enclosed, "supersystem," [A+B], consisting of a "system of interest," [A], and a "surroundings," [B], in relatively weak mutual interaction. A discussion is given of the range of validity of the "master" equation for [A+B] and it is shown that the random phase assumption is required for the state vector of [A+B] at the initial time only. The normally microcanonical character of the equilibrium statistical configuration of [A+B] is demonstrated and a treatment is given of exceptional, "extremely quantal-coherent," initial statistical distributions of [A+B] which may evolve away from equilibrium. Derivations are also presented of the "master" equation for [A] and of the "master" equation for an individual particle or quasi-particle [q], within [A]; a discussion of the range of validity of these "master" equations is given and the normally canonical character of the equilibrium statistical configuration of [A] is deduced. General solutions of the "master" equations for [A+B], [A], and [q] are worked out and the relation between the principles of "microscopic reversibility" and "detailed balance" and the nonoscillatory character of the approach to equilibrium are exhibited. A theorem is presented regarding the time variation of the entropy of [A].