Extraskeletal Cartilaginous Tumors

Introduction Cartilaginous tumors of the soft tissues are rare. It is known that benign cartilaginous growths are found in a variety of situations in the body, but many of them are probably due to developmental faults or can be explained on the basis of metaplasia and should not be confused with neoplasms.25 Chondromas of tendon sheaths and extraarticular tissue, joint chondromatosis, and laryngeal, pulmonary and lingual chondromas have been reported, but are rare. Soft tissue chondrosarcomas are extremely rare10 and it was not until 1953 that Stout and Verner first reported seven cases of primary chondrosarcoma of soft tissue, establishing a definite pathological entity.27 Since then there have been no further reports, to our knowledge, of extraskeletal chondrosarcomas except for a case of lingual chondrosarcoma30 and one of retroperitoneal chondrosarcoma.16 Two case reports follow, one of primary chondrosarcoma of thigh muscle, and one of osteochondroma