Über Androsteron, ein krystallisiertes männliches Sexualhormon. I. Isolierung und Reindarstellung aus Männerharn.

I. Historical survey and a description of the purification of androsterone from [male] urine.[long dash]II. Chemical and physiological properties of androsterone, androsterone acetate, androsterone oxime, androsterone semicarbazone, androstandione (C19H28O2) and and rostane (C19H32). The crystallized material was examined chemically and tested on capons.[long dash]III. In the isolation of androsterone from [male] urine a chloroketone (C19H27OCl) was obtained from the petrol ether fraction. The conversion into dehydro-androsterone is the first chemical preparation of male sex hormone from a physiologically inactive substance. The conversion into androsterone was successful and confirmed the structural formula of androsterone.