Cochlear Oxygen Tension: Relation to Blood Flow and Function

In the normal animal, administration of 100% oxygen, 8% CO2 or I.V. epinephrine produced increases in perilymph oxygen tension. This value was highest for pure oxygen. Only CO2 or I.V. epinephrine increased strial blood flow rate and though similar in degree, perilymph oxygen was greater with CO2 than with epinephrine. With cessation of respiration the oxygen dissolved in the perilymph is exhausted in about 30 seconds. Surgical occlusion of the vena aqueductus cochleae results in a drop in perilymph oxygen tension to about 30% of normal along with a marked (90%) reduction in strial flow rate, and about a 65% reduction in microphonic output. These low values could be raised, particularly with J.V. epinephrine. The reasons for these findings are discussed.