The lattices of eight- and ten-dimensional Euclidean space with irreducible automorphism group or, equivalently, the conjugacy classes of these groups inGLn(Z)\mathrm {GL}_n(\mathbb {Z})forn=8,10n = 8,10, are classified in this paper. The number of types is 52 in the casen=8n = 8, and 47 in the casen=10n = 10. As a consequence of this classification one has 26, resp. 46, conjugacy classes of maximal finite irreducible subgroups ofGL8(Z)\mathrm {GL}_8(\mathbb {Z}), resp.GL10(Z)\mathrm {GL}_{10}(\mathbb {Z}). In particular, each such group is absolutely irreducible, and therefore each of the maximal finite groups of degree 8 turns up in earlier lists of classifications.