Advances in SEM of Polymers

We hope that this review contains convincing evidence of the value of scanning electron microscopy in polymer studies. Much information has been provided by this technique which could not be obtained by any other means. We hope, too, that we have indicated the kinds of problems that are confronted when dealing with this class of materials. Charging can be a problem, but this can normally be countered by applying a conductive coating. More serious is radiation damage, which may cause image deterioration and artifact production. Sometimes this will obscure the features about which information is sought and could lead to false interpretation. Proper controls should be applied and observations made at several magnifications and several beam potentials and currents to establish the best conditions. Although we have emphasized the difficulties that may be encountered when studying polymers in the SEM, many polymers provide very easy subjects, especially if high resolution (∼ 10 nm) is not sought, and standard SEM procedures are very straightforward. We hope that the value of the technique indicated by the many successful applications to which we have referred will act as sufficient incentive to outweigh any deterrent message that might be derived from our more cautionary passages relating to the difficulties.