Quite different patterns of brain abnormality result from impaired tissue energy availabilities of different severities. Unfortunately, no nomenclature exists which adequately differentiates between these disparate energy deficiency states. Thus, it is proposed to designate any state of abnormal tissue energy availability as a dysergic state, basing the term on the Greek prefix dys-, signifying a disorder or malady of, and the Greek word ergon, meaning to work. Hypoergia and anergia may designate states of impaired and absent tissue energy availability, respectively. Still further attention to definition of terms is demanded since several other specific pathophysiologic states which define specific patterns of brain abnormality remain frequently misused. Though the distinction between anoxia and hypoxia is a very old one, a frequent confusion of these terms still remains. Let it therefore be reemphasized that anoxia implies a total lack of oxygen availability to the tissues, while hypoxia implies only its reduced presence