The symptomatology of uremia is so varied and so multiform that a phenomenon of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, such as this paper deals with, is to be expected, especially when one considers that all the excretory surfaces of the body are involved in the attempt of nature to get rid of the nitrogenous poisons thrown into the blood stream because of the inability of the kidneys to eliminate them properly. This paper deals with a specific type of lesion which was observed in some cases of uremia or impending uremia, in the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi. Lesions similar to those encountered in the structures just mentioned have been observed in the oral cavity and pharynx by several French authors. Lancereaux1first mentioned lesions occurring in the mouth and pharynx of uremic patients under the heading of buccopharyngeal uremia. Later Barié2elaborated on the observations