Lattice vibrations in the strong electron-phonon-interaction system BaPb1xBixO3 studied by Raman scattering

Lattice vibrations of the high-Tc superconductor BaPb1x Bix O3 are investigated by Raman scattering. The breathing mode of BiO6 octahedra is assigned to the 569 cm1 peak which has large scattering intensity in BaBiO3. The temperature-dependent soft modes at 121 cm1 in BaPb0.7 Bi0.3 O3 and 48 cm1 in BaBiO3 are assigned to the rotational modes of Pb(Bi)O6. A remarkable correlation is found between Tc and the scattering intensity of the 43- and 100-cm1 peaks. The origin of these modes is discussed.