Microscopic theory of phase and amplitude instabilities of an incommensurate charge-density wave

We show that an incommensurate charge-density wave, having wave vector Q, will always exhibit a phason instability of wave vector n(QG) (G is a reciprocal-lattice vector and n is an integer). The microscopic theory presented is based on the dielectric formulation of lattice dynamics, frequently employed for simple metals. However, special attention is given to the structure components at ±Q, which are inherently nonlinear. For a monatomic metal with |QG||G| we find that the dominant instability has n=2, which causes third harmonics of Q in the diffraction pattern. For a polyatomic metal (lacking inversion symmetry) an n=1 instability is also possible. Amplitude-modulation instabilities also occur but are expected to be smaller in magnitude on account of their higher intrinsic frequencies, compared to those for phasons.