Proton Decay of the Isobaric Analog of the Ground State ofPb208Populated by the (p,n) Reaction

The relative widths for the proton (p̃) decay of the isobaric analog of the Pb208 ground state have been remeasured with significantly improved accuracy using the charge-exchange reaction Pb208(p,n) rather than Pb207(p,p) and (p,p) excitation functions to populate the isobaric analog level. For the first time the sequential process (p,np̃) has been observed both with a heavy (A200) target nucleus and also with a target nucleus which is even-even rather than even-odd. The total cross section for the isobaric-analog-state reaction Pb208(p,n)Bi208 has also been measured for the range of proton bombarding energies between 25.2 and 47.3 MeV.