Preoperative Plasmapheresis in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Procedures

Donor plasmapheresis that is carried out weeks before the operation has proven to be of benefit in elective orthopedic patients with regard to reducing homologous blood consumption and preserving coagulation. In this study acute preoperatively performed plasmapheresis (APP) was investigated in cardiac surgery patients. Forty-five patients scheduled for elective aortocoronary bypass surgery were randomly divided into three groups of 15 patients each: 1) removal of platelet-poor plasma (PPP), 2) removal of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and 3) no plasmapheresis (control group). Plasma volume removed was 10 ml/kg in all APP patients, and plasma was replaced by the same amount of low-molecular weight hydroxyethyl starch solution (6% HES 200/0.5). Various laboratory data were investigated before, during, and after extracorporeal circulation (ECC). Blood loss in control patients was more pronounced than in the two APP groups; two of the control patients needed packed red cells. APP itself did not affect coagulation variables, free hemoglobin, or polymorphonuclear (PMN) elastase. At the end of the operation, 5 h after ECC, and at the first postoperative day the number platelets was significantly lower in the control group; PRP patients showed the highest values. Fibrinogen and AT-III levels were less compromised in APP patients than in the control group. Global coagulation parameters did not differ between the groups within the whole investigation period. PMN elastase increased significantly during ECC in all groups with the greatest increase in the control group (722%) and the smallest increase in PRP patients (280%), possibly due to the removal of cellular elements in this group. It is concluded that APP seems to be an additional approach to reduce blood consumption in cardiac surgery and to improve coagulation after ECC. Its positive influence on concentration of damaging substances (elastase) might be one of the important aspects of this procedure.