Absolute Intensities of X-Rays Anomalously Diffracted through Nearly Perfect Copper Crystals

Absolute integrated intensities of the x-ray beams "anomalously transmitted" through nearly perfect copper crystals have been measured for the (111) planes for values of μt ranging from 10 to 90. Results obtained for both the symmetric and asymmetric Laue geometries are compared with theory. These comparisons yield a value of 0.965±0.003 for the ratio f″(111)/f″(000) and indicate that the crystals investigated have a high degree of perfection. The measurements were made with Mo Kα radiation using a double-crystal spectrometer arranged in the parallel condition and with the first crystal diffracting in the Bragg geometry. Measured profiles of the Bragg-Laue double-crystal rocking curves for μt=10 and 90 are in semiquantitative agreement with the theory.