Hearing Aid Evaluation for Persons With Postlingual Hearing Levels of 90 to 100 dB

• Of 20 subjects with profound (90 to 110 dB) hearing loss who underwent a careful hearing aid evaluation, 16 were able to benefit from hearing aid use. With the recommended aids, all subjects could detect speech at levels within the normal conversational range; 75% had some understanding of spondee words; and 56% successfully accomplished tasks in phoneme identification. Two subjects succeeded on a standard speech discrimination test. Ear-level instruments, five binaural, were recommended for 13 of the 16 subjects. Microphones were front-facing in the majority of instances; none were directional. Seven aids used amplitude compression. Subjects were encouraged to relate their subjective impressions, and home trial was an important part of the evaluation. In the majority of instances, lipreading scores were markedly better with hearing aid use than without. (Arch Otolaryngol 105:662-665, 1979)

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