Si-L23VV spectra have been measured for hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) surfaces produced by direct ion bombardment (IB) with mixed hydrogen/argon ion beams. Interpretation of the hydrogen-induced features in the loss-corrected, integral spectra could be made by comparisons of the a-Si:H spectra with corresponding spectra from clean ordered Si surfaces, from an ordered dihydride surface system, from amorphous surfaces produced by argon IB, and by comparisons with theoretical density-of-states calculations for a-Si:H. As is the case with the ordered, chemisorbed hydrogen system, hydrogen causes a decrease in intensity on the high energy side of the Auger signal. This decrease indicates a tying off of ‘‘dangling bonds.’’ In the a-Si:H system, however, this effect is in competition with the effects of surface damage produced by the IB which can result in a net increase in high energy signal intensity. At lower energies the a-Si:H signals exhibit both of the two broad Si–H bonding features noted for the ordered dihydride surface and a third, weaker feature at still lower energies.