Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the Cynomolgus Monkey

We evaluated the treatment regime of dopamine-induced hypertension in association with volume expansion and ventilatory support in an experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) model using the cynomolgus monkey. Regional cerebral blood flow, vessel caliber, intracranial pressure, and other pertinent physiological parameters were monitored throughout each study. We report the results for nine animals receiving treatment after an induced SAH and compare them with results obtained in a group of five animals not treated after SAH. Improvements in cerebral blood flow, vessel caliber, and morbidity and mortality rates were seen with this treatment. Seven of nine animals were alive at 20 hours after SAH in the treatment group, whereas all five animals in the untreated group died before this time. The mechanisms of action of this treatment are discussed. (Neurosurgery, 6: 57--62, 1980)