Scanning tunneling microscopy of pulsed-laser-deposited YBa2Cu3O7δ epitaxial thin films: Surface microstructure and growth mechanism

Scanning tunneling microscopy suggests that epitaxial YBa2 Cu3 O7δ thin films grow unit cell by unit cell, by a terraced-island-growth mode. Although films grown at low temperatures exhibit a spiral-growth surface microstructure, films with high critical current densities (grown at high temperatures on nearly-lattice-matched substrates) do not. The terraced microstructure explains the steps found in ultrathin YBa2 Cu3 O7δ layers in YBa2 Cu3 O7δ/PrBa2 Cu3 O7δ superlattices. These steps may act as superconducting weak links, providing support for Josephson-coupled-array models of superconducting superlattices.