Investigation of the Bohr-Independence Hypothesis for Nuclear Reactions in the Continuum: α+Co59, p+Ni62 and α+Fe56, p+Cl59

Measurements were made of the energy spectra at various angles of protons and α particles emitted from the reactions of protons with Ni62 and α particles with Co59 to determine the extent to which the deexcitation of the reaction intermediate, Cu63 at 20.2-MeV excitation energy, is independent of its mode of formation. Similarly, the reaction intermediate Ni60 at 23.6 MeV was formed by protons on Co59 and α particles on Fe56, again to determine to what degree its deexcitation by proton and α-particle emission is independent of its mode of formation. Small differences in the shapes of corresponding energy spectra [(p, p) versus (α, p), and (α, α) versus (p, α)] that were observed in apparent violation of the Bohr-independence hypothesis are removed after account has been taken of the effects of angular-momentum conservation. The observed enhancement of the ratio of cross sections σ(x, p)σ(x, α) for the proton entrance channel over that for the α entrance channel cannot be interpreted in terms of angular-momentum conservation. The consequences of the possibility of isotopic-spin conservation, when considered, lead to enhanced proton reemission similar to that observed experimentally.