Isotopic fluxes of Na, Cl, and K were measured across isolated antral mucosa under short-circuit conditions. HCO3 fluxes were also measured with either isotopic and/or pH-stat methods. Net secretion of all four ions was observed. HCO3 secretion is due to a transmural process requiring metabolic energy. Secretion of endogenous HCO3 was not observed, and the unidirectional mucosal-to-serosal flux of HCO3 was negligible. There appears to be a close relationship between HCO3 secretion and the unidirectional mucosal-to-serosal Cl flux, but not relationships were observed between the unidirectional serosal-to-mucosal flux or either unidirectional Na flux. The bulk of HCO3 secretion is independent of the unidirectional Cl fluxes, but there is a fraction of HCO3 transport that is dependent on unidirectional Cl transport. However, HCO3 transport is not measurably influenced by inhibition of net Cl (and Na) transport per se.