Nestling foods of the savannah sparrow

The diet of savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) nestlings was monitored at Îsle Verte, Québec, during the 1980 breeding season. Adults carried exclusively arthropods to the nest. The main prey types found were Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera larvae, larval and adult Diptera and Homoptera. The proportion of different prey types in the diet varied during the season but there was no close relationship between temporal changes in the indices of prey abundance in the habitat and the type of prey chosen by the adult birds. Both the type and size of prey brought to the nest changed with the age and number of nestlings (aged 4–10 days). The proportion of Homoptera in the diet decreased sharply with age while that of Lepidoptera and Diptera increased. Adults feeding broods of four brought a larger proportion of large prey items (Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera larvae) than those feeding broods of a lesser size; to these they brought a larger proportion of smaller items such as Diptera and adult Lepidoptera. Males and females brought the same major prey types to the nest but not in the same proportions.