Anodic transients of iron in 1N solution have been investigated. After the electrode was maintained at a potential until steady state was achieved, either an anodic potential step or a potential sweep were imposed. For a potential step, the current transient followed the relations and where is the time after the imposition of the potential step. For a potential sweep of sweep rate, λ, a peak current was observed where For the current transients for both potential step and potential sweep polarization were interpreted in terms of the logarithmic growth of an oxide. For , a duplex structure of the oxide layer, mixed oxide/solution, was assumed, where the mixed oxide consisted of Fe(II) and Fe(III) oxy compounds. The current transient behavior was attributed to composition changes in the mixed oxide layer due to diffusion of Fe(II). The experimental results can be satisfactorily interpreted by assuming the existence of the complex ions, , in the oxide film.