Linear chromosomes of Lyme disease agent spirochetes: genetic diversity and conservation of gene order

We have constructed physical and genetic maps of the chromosomes of 21 Lyme disease agent spirochetes from geographically diverse locations. All have linear chromosomes whose lengths range from 935 to 955 kbp, and all contain multiple linear plasmids in the 16- to 175-kbp size range. The locations of 11 gene clusters on the chromosomes of these different isolates are indistinguishable at the resolution achieved in this study, indicating that the members of this related group of species have highly conserved chromosomal gene orders. However, chromosomal restriction endonuclease cleavage site maps are unique for nearly all isolates. The 22 chromosomal maps currently available define eight classes of Lyme disease agents. Four of these correspond to the previously proposed species Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia afzelii, and Borrelia japonica. In addition, the North American isolates 21038, DN127 c19-2, 25015, and CA55 typify four additional chromosomal types that are as phylogenetically distinct as the species listed above. These findings support the idea that comparison of restriction maps is currently the most robust and definitive method for determining overall chromosomal relationships among closely related bacteria. In the course of this work, we located on the chromosome the previously unmapped outer surface protein-encoding LA7 gene and genes homologous to the Escherichia coli priA, plsC, parE, and parC genes, and we have substantially refined the locations of the recA, fla, p22A, and flgE genes.