Testosterone propionate, androstenedionc-3-a-17 trans, and androstenediol-3-B-17 trans decreased the rate of atrophy of the adrenal cortex which normally follows hypophysectomy in young [male] rats, when adequate dosages were injected, beginning on the day of operation and continued for 10 days. Similar results were obtained in adult [male] and in young [female] rats. When treatment was postponed for 10 days, less stimulation was noted; after 20 days, the w''ts. of the adrenals were not increased. Andro-stenedione, trans-dehydroandrosterone, progesterone, and desoxycorticosterone were ineffective. In general, the ability of an androgen to stimulate the adrenal cortex was correlated with its ability to stimulate the testes and ventral lobe of the prostate. Histological evidence of stimulation of the cortical cells was noted in some expts. where the wts. of the adrenals were not significantly affected by androgens.