First experiments have been carried out on the two-step photoionization and photodissociation of the H2 molecule from individual rotational-vibrational levels in the B1Σ+u state, employing tunable, pulsed, linearly polarized vuv and uv laser radiation : H2(X1Σ1g, v"=0, J") + vuv → H2(B1Σ+u, v', J') + uv → H*2 H*2 → H2(X1Σ, v, N) + e → H(n=1) + H(n=2). Via the photoionization of the excited H atoms in the UV laser pulse, H(n=2) + uv → H+ + e, it was possible to observe the dissociation and the ionization processes in the same measurement. Tuning the vuv to given X - B transition lines and scanning the uv wavelength, ionization-dissociation spectra have been obtained by monitoring the yield of H+2 and H+ formation, as a function of the excitation energy. High Rydberg States have been detected by field ionization, applied after the laser excitation pulse. Examples of ionizacion-dissociation spectra taken from v' = 0 ; J' = 0 and 1 levels in the B state are given. The spectra cover excitation energies around the lowest ionization limits, i.e. H+2(X1Σ+g, v = 0,N) + e with N = 0, 1 and 2. Also, some results obtained in dissociation region are reported