Chemical Stabilization of Golgi Silver Chromate Impregnations

Blocks of neural tissue were processed by a modified Golgi-Kopsch procedure and by the rapid Golgi method. Following the impregnation, the blocks were embedded in celloidin, sectioned at 100μm, and collected in 70% alcohol. The sections were then processed as follows: 1) rinsed in distilled water; 2) substituted with 0.4M sodium bromide for five minutes; 3) reduced in Kodak D-19 developer; and 4) treated in 0.5M sodium thiosulfate. The silver chromate deposits within the impregnated cells are converted successively to silver bromide and to reduced silver by this procedure. Sections so treated resist decomposition of the Golgi impregnation, and they may be counterstained with conventional aqueous cresyl violet to demonstrate the cytoarchitecture of the Golgi-impregnated tissue.