Influence of a 36.8° grain boundary on the magnetoresistance of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3−δ single crystal films

Epitaxial ferromagnetic manganite films have been sputtered on bicrystal substrates. Their magnetoresistance was measured as a function of magnetic field and temperature. The grain boundary magnetoresistance at low temperature is separated from the intrinsic magnetoresistance near the Curie temperature. The grain boundary magnetoresistance peaks at about 100 Oe and saturates at about 2 kOe. For a La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 film with a grain boundary angle θ=36.8° a field independent component r0=4.1×10−6 Ω cm2 was separated from a field-dependent component which has its maximum rH=2.3×10−6 Ω cm2 for H of order the coercive field.