The Vegetation of Alberta: II. The Swamp, Moor and Bog Forest Vegetation of Central Alberta

The climax formations of Alberta consisting of northern spruce-fir forest, cordilleran coniferous forest, poplar parkland and prairie grassland are briefly described and mapped. The swamp and bog forests in the first 3 of these formations are described in detail. In morainic basins about the lake margins in the cordilleran region are bands of sedge moor, of Betula glandulosa and of bog forest dominated by Picea mariana together with some Larix laricina. The floor of the forest is covered with Hypnum cristata-castrensis and Hylocomium and a scanty non-ericaceous flora. In the northern forest region the succession is similar but sphagnum is more common, spreading into the cariceta with ericaceous vegetation. The low moors have a pH of 5.0-6.5 and the high moors 4.0-5.5. In the parkland, reed-swamps and low moors are associated with sloughs and lakes. The low moors are dominated bv cariceta, saliceta, and gramineta and the high moors by Ledum., bog forests being rare. The destruction of moors by burning, drainage, and by the influx of springs rich in Ca salts is described.