Reactions of gases in solution. Part III. Some reactions of nitrous oxide with transition-metal complexes

Nitrous oxide reacts rapidly in solution at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure with a number of transition-metal complexes. It reacts with the cobalt(I) corrin, vitamin B12s, in aqueous solution according to the stoicheiometry 2CoI+ N2O → 2CoII+ N2 and with [CoI(Ph2P·CH2·CH2·PPh2)2]Br in benzene or ethanol according to the stoicheiometry 2CoI+ N2O → N2. The cobalt dimethylglyoxime, bipyridyl, and corrin complexes act as catalysts for the reduction of N2O to N2 by borohydride. In contrast to previous reports we find that acidified aqueous solutions of TiCl3 do not reduce N2O.